It was only a year ago that I even noticed Twitch. It’s been there all along, gaining popularity and changing how we game. For the uninitiated, people want to watch other people playing video games. Online. Imagine being at an arcade, just killing it in Centipede or Altered Beast (but I doubt that). Now setup a skype call for your friends/family to watch you play, and narrate the action.
Anyway I think youtube videos are a waste of time. There is zero educational or leisure benefit to watching this Gangnam Style or whatever it’s called. A billion people differ with me on that. So I assumed Twitch was about the same value. A year after my presumption set in I had to check it out at the peer pressure from my brother. I wouldn’t say I was hooked, but I saw the value.
Twitch is a way to connect otherwise isolated gamers. If you have interests but nobody to share them with, it feels lonely doesn’t it? Why not put your face online with a game playing in the background and meet some people? That’s what I’m doing, and I really love it so far.
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